Kenya Trip Recap and Thank You

Kenya Trip Recap: A Journey of Gratitude and Support

Our recent trip to Kenya was an incredible journey of faith, dance, and profound connections. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that God’s favor was with us. Every step of the way, we experienced His guidance and provision, allowing us to share His love and joy with the wonderful people of Kenya.

This trip would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our community. Your prayers and financial contributions played a crucial role in making this mission a reality. We were able to distribute much-needed laptops, phones, and power banks, bringing immense joy and excitement to everyone we met. These tools will empower them to succeed and grow in their faith and talents.

Throughout our journey, we visited several schools and communities, witnessing the transformative power of dance and worship. From the eager children at Petra School to the enthusiastic youth in Kiambu, each interaction reinforced the importance of our mission. We saw many lives touched and hearts opened to the gospel, with numerous individuals giving their lives to Jesus.

We also faced challenges, such as health scares and navigating through extreme poverty. Yet, in every moment of difficulty, your prayers provided strength and comfort. Knowing that we had a supportive community back home lifted our spirits and kept us focused on our mission.

Meeting local leaders, instructors, and community members was inspiring. Their dedication and passion for dance and faith were evident, and it was an honor to work alongside them. We formed deep connections and laid the foundation for future collaborations, ensuring that the impact of this trip will continue to grow.

As we reflect on this journey, our hearts are filled with gratitude. We are thankful for every prayer, every donation, and every word of encouragement that made this mission possible. Your support has not only touched the lives of those in Kenya but has also strengthened our resolve to continue this important work.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Together, we are making a difference and bringing hope to those in need. Your support is a testament to the power of community and the incredible things we can achieve when we come together in faith and love.

Support Us:

  • Donate: Your financial support helps us reach more communities and provide essential resources.
  • Volunteer: Join us on future trips and experience firsthand the impact of our work.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network and help us raise awareness.

With heartfelt gratitude, Heather Johnson and the RDM Team



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